
Asukoht: Brussels

esmaspäev, märts 31, 2008

ettevalmistused prantsuse eesistumiseks

tuleb tôdeda, et ümbruskonnas suhtutakse lähenevasse prantsuse eesistumisse valdavalt eelarvamusega. reservatsioonid algavad sellest, et väidetavalt pole prantslastel prioriteedidki veel selgeks vaieldud, rääkimata siis nende elluviimise kavast. samas kardetakse, et kui prantslased midagi sihiks seavad, siis selle saavutamiseks "sôidetakse üle" nii EL institutsioonidest kui liikmesriikidest.
teisalt kiidab rahvusvaheline meedia nii sealse esileedi kui justiitsministri elegantsi, stiili ja head maitset. samuti, vaevalt, et kvaliteetveini austajatel ning gurmaanidel tuleb pettuda prantsuse eesistumise korraldatud vastuvôttudes.
autorile jääb sel korral - peale 11 eesistujariigiga koostöö tegemist - kôrvaltvaataja roll, kuna alates augustist on ootamas kakskümmend nädalat emapuhkust!

esmaspäev, märts 17, 2008


"superluks" on üks neist sônadest, mille üldiselt tagasihoidlikkust ning alatoone eelistavad eestlased hiljuti kasutusse vôtnud. selles sônas on eneseirooniat ning globaliseerumise hôngu.

"superluks" sobib ideaalselt kirjeldama ka meie laupäeva, mil käisime sôprade kutsel TEFAF-il (maailma juhtiv kunsti-ja antiigimess) ning veetsime ülejäänud päikselise päeva Maastrichtis ringi jalutades. loomulikult jäi meie teele arvukaid poode, butiike, galeriisid ja brasseriisid, mida 2001.aastal, kui seal ülikoolis ôppisin, veel ei olnud. avastamisruumi ja avastamisrôômu jätkus. meie päev päädis suurepärase ôhtusöögiga jôe kaldal ning tagasisôidul vasardas peas läbivalt môte sellest, et suve poole peaks sinna uuesti minema.

esmaspäev, märts 03, 2008


1. You use the word 'normal' if something is ok.
2. When visiting friends abroad you bring along a box of Kalev chocolate.
3. You attended a song festival at least once either as a performer or as aspectator.
4. You know that going to the sauna is 80% about networking and 20% aboutwashing
5. You are nationalistic about Skype (it is actually not an Estonian company)
6. 'Kohuke' belongs to your menu
7. You declare your taxes on the internet like all modern people
8. You actually believed for a while that Latvians had 6 toes per foot whenyou heard that as a child
9. You are convinced that Estonia is very strategically located
10. You spent at least one midsummer in Saaremaa, Hiiumaa or one of thesmaller islands
11. You can quote films like 'Viimne reliikvia' and 'Siin me oleme'
12. You spit three times around your left shoulder for good luck
13. Words like 'veoauto', 'täieõiguslik' or 'jää-äär' sound perfectly pronouncable to you
14. You like bold statements, such as this one... [image: Wink]
15. There can never be too much sarcasm
16. You can at times drink hot tea to hot food
17. You are disappointed that Jaan Kross never got the Nobel prize inliterature
18. It would not be suprising for English-speakers to find your namenaughty(Peep, Tiit, Andres [sounds like undress]) or hippy (Rein, Rain)
19. You have been to Finland
20. You say 'Noh' (sounds like NO) even when you speak English, just toconfuse people
21. You know the lyrics to 'Mutionu' and 'Rongisõit'
22. You would never mistaken Kreisiraadio for a radio station
23. You would agree that wife-carrying is a real sport (at least as long asEstonians are winning)
24. Your best friend's girlfriend is your English teacher's daughter andthey live next door to your grandparents, who were colleagues with youradvisor, who is friends with your...
25. You think that any beverage below 20% is non-alcoholic
26. You check the thermometer before going out
27. You look in both directions before crossing the road, even if it's aone-way street
28. You grin very mysteriously when people ask about your national food
29. You teach a non-Estonian speaker the word 'Tänan' before 'Aitäh'
30. You put ketchup inside your pasta (french-cooked gourmet faire lafinemanger pasta) in order to not to get the ketchup-bowl dirty
31. You cheated on your wife/husband at least ten times but you still thinkyou're in a good marriage.
32. When someone asks you 'where is Estonia?' you quickly reply that it'slocated in Northern Europe close to Finland...
33. Your grandmother's 'purse' is an old plastic bag that has been reusedseveral times
34. Sour cream tastes good with everything
35. A foreigner speaks to you in broken horrible Estonian and you go onandon about how wonderful their Estonian is compared to 'the Russians''
36. You have ever worn or seen anyone wear 'karupüksid'